Posted tagged ‘general motors’

Top 10 Reasons Why Cash For Clunkers Suck

August 12, 2009

Top 10 reasons why cash for clunkers suck, is short sighted and is wreckless.

1) All the cars that are bought under the program were going to be bought anyways over the next 2 years.

2) 22 MPG Requirement is a joke, models of Toyota Tundras and Ford F-150s qualify under new purchases…so much for helping the environment.

3) You are hurting local mechanics and dealerships who make a living fixing clunkers, auto part shops and used car dealers.

4) You are raising the price of a new car for those without clunkers, and raising the prices for those who can only afford clunkers. It’s no coincidence that the prices of Toyota Corolla and Honda Civic have soared lately with discounts being dried up due to shortages.

5) General Motors and Chryslers are not benefiting as much as Toyota, Honda, Ford and Nissan (the stronger get stronger), although this was a scheme intended to get the two Government Motors companies stronger.

6) Lot of the cars being traded in are absolute junk and barely made it to the dealership and wouldn’t have been worth $200 if sold.

7) On the flip side lot of cars being traded in are well running, in good condition and could have benefited a lower income family or individual but are forced to be destroyed.

8) Free one-time government money to a select group (those with clunkers) is unfair on its face.

9) Q3 auto sales and retail numbers will be grossly exaggerated by this program…while Q4 and ongoing quarters will suffer from slower than normal sales (essentially borrowing from future sales).

10) As with all government programs and giveaways…is it going to end or become permanent (like it is in Germany) and become a permanent burden to taxpayers?

I am on Twitter constantly ranting about stuff